BAM's Gallery

9th Grade




a sketch inspired by a song about always moving foward, the sketch resembles a human face and the divesity of lives that are in every society. The scketch is made in a collage form and has brigh colors near red, orange and yellow ones. All pictures were taken from magazines and the "no looking back" picture was made by me. I think the idea was to make it eye-catching and it is easy to tell the effort it was put in it.
For me, the scketch was more than just pictures, they have deep meanings. It was like putting a very complicated message in just a picture and a word. I would like for the viewer to see whatever they want, but to keep the true message of moving foward no matter what the background is. On the other side it also intends to tell to accept everyone no matter what they've been through, just to see their present and ignore their past. It tells friends to move foward together, to get past the things that act like boundaries between them and move foward together. "Our past is history, the future is a mystery but today is a GIFT."


 A Child's Eyes

The scketch is done is simple paper, using markers and color pencils. for the basic structure fo the eye, I used light pencil and a blending stick. The detail around the drawing was done in marker and the eye color was done with pencil colors. The quote at the bottom says "All the love that the world is missing can be found in a child's eyes." I remember hearing that quote from somewhere, that I can't recall now, but it was used as inspiration for the drawing. 
"A child's eyes..." Children como to the world without having the smallest clue of anything, they learn everything and they learn fast. They can learn to be honest, sweet, respectful and kind but they can also learn many worng sides of the road our society has. It's like making a new series, it comes out new, stain-less and pure. Kids are like that in a way, since they are not stained by a societies' battles so they are very pure, they stay like that for a time and that is when you hear the truths no one dears to say, and see true love in a tear. A child's eyes hold the coded answer to our problems, the difficult is in knowing what it means. Look deeply into a cihld's eyes and you'll find what you're missing.





if you look deep inside you, you can find me


"dreams are made of:



"When I grow up, I will reach the floor with my feat everytime I sit down. I will have shiny white teeth and long, soft hair. I will have tons of parties that everyone will want to go. 
When I'm older, I will be able to answer every question grown-ups ask. All of my friends will firght just to have a seat next to me and when were not together, I will have a cellphone to talk with them. When I grow up, I will marry Nick Jonas and live in a big house with a pool outside. But specially, when I grow up no one will fight each other anymore."
                                                                                        -Victtoria, 6-


"Sueño en color cada vez que duermo en tus brazos y despierto sin tu calor en medio de una gris tormenta"
Comparing the reality of life to the colors of the dreams inside us, gray is the color for the unfortunate's life and the hopes, dreams and wishes there is inside everybody, no matter what happened.

María V, 9c